Why Sparrow?
To explain the story of Sparrow Creative Studios, I suggest you grab a snickerdoodle and a cup of coffee, which will always be on the table when we meet. We’ll get to why shortly.
Sparrow begins with my grandmother, Frances Catherine Roney Grubbs. A life-long musician who married a pastor and committed her life to their shared ministry, I grew up loving hearing my grandmother play her favorite hymn: His Eye is on the Sparrow. My grandmother was a strong influence in my life, and the name not only reflects that and the guidance she offered, but the song also speaks to the value that even the smallest things have to offer. Laying under the weeping willow at her grandmother’s house in the country, I found peace, joy, and happiness in those little things.
Sparrows are also significant to me because symbolically, they represent joy, creativity, and protection as well as simplicity and community. These symbols are what our studio represent. We are a small company that can’t do it all alone. Our goal is to round out our services by bringing in our trusted partners to help your company succeed. And that’s also why Sparrow is significant: it speaks to the idea of community and teamwork. It will truly take us all.
Now, let’s circle back to those snickerdoodles. Every time I went to visit my grandmother, there were always fresh snickerdoodles waiting. Without my grandmother, Sparrow Creative Studios wouldn’t exist, and because we want everyone to feel the same joy, warmth, and excitement I felt when I visited, we’ll always have snickerdoodles waiting for you, too.